lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010


This was my first visit to Rome. I went with a group of people from Javea. I went in November and it was a bit cold.

We travelled by plane from Valencia, and when we arrived at Rome airoport a bus picked up.

I visited many places such as the ''Trevi fountain'', ''the coliseum'', ''the place of Spain''... but what I liked most was the ''Trevi Fountain''.
It was an unforgettable experience. I liked   the variety of  ice-                                                      creams he had!

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


Mario Casas Sierra was born the 12th of June 1986 in La Coruña.

Is first steps as an actor were in the world of adversitising, making adverflisment.. When he realized he really wanted to do it, he studied at the school of interpretation ''Cristina Rota''. He debuled in the film by Antonio Banderas, who gave him the opportunity to participate in the film. His biggest succes was thanks to is participation in the espanish TV series ''Los hombres de Paco''.

He has two brothers called Christian and Oscar, and a sister, Sheila. Now they live together in Madrid thanks to Mario's succes.

Mario Casas

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

My profile.

                                                     My name is Maria.
                                                    I am thirteen years old.
                                                   My birthday in on the 4th   of May.
                                                   I live in Javea.
                                                   I study at Maria Inmaculada school.
                                                   I am tall.
                                                   I have got brown hair.
                                                   I havent't got any blue eyes.
                                                  I usually have dinner.
                                                  I never play de football.
                                                  I watch TV in my free time.
                                                  I don't like vegetables.
                                                  I like chocolate.
                                                 I love playing the guitar.
                                                 I hate football.
                                                My favourite colour is blue.
                                                I can run.